Monday, May 31, 2010


Wow, so much has happened in the last two weeks! I was so busy at work that I didn't get a chance to write each week as I wanted to.

I will start with the sad news. My parents dog, Bailey, passed away. He was 11 years old. The day that my dad called me to tell me, I broke out into tears. First of all, you can't tell a pregnant woman, who considers her own dogs her children, that a dog very close to the family passed away. To top it off, to have her Dad crying when he tells her, is even worse. When he called, I immediately thought something must have happened to either my Mom or my sisters. When he said it was Bailey, it was just as bad. My parents had an appt. later that day to take him to the vet since he was having a hard time breathing and seemed to be restless, but he didn't make it. Bailey was one of those dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly. He was a gentle giant and all around good dog. He walked without a leash, loved his baths, never seemed to tear up his toys and slept with a Mickey Mouse blanket. I think after Bailey passed, my Dad realized how much that dog meant to him. He was there on the porch or looking out the storm door when my Dad came home or waiting patiently for my Mom came home for lunch to let him out. Bailey will surely be missed and more than he will ever know!

The exciting news is that our first nephew was born. Dave and Heather welcomed Connor on May 19th. Connor is definitely the highlight of all of our lives right now. He gets cuter with each passing day and I can only pray that our baby is just as good as him. Bryan and Dave's Mom flew in on this past Thursday to surprise Dave and Heather. Teti Nadine, Uncle Ed and cousin Mark, came to visit for the day, as well. We were all there to watch his first bath on Sunday. I don't think anyone could even guess how many pictures where taken during and after. It's been a fun filled weekend and Connor is loved more than he will ever know!

I was saving the best news for last. On May 21st, Bryan and I went to my 20-week anatomy scan, only to find out that we are expecting a little girl! I was laying there during the ultrasound with my body shaking with anticipation of finding out. When she said it was a little girl, I immediately thought "A Daddy's Little Girl". It is going to be fun for Bryan's side of the family to have a baby girl, since they just got a little boy and especially exciting for my side, since it's the first grandchild. I had to run to Target later that day and of course, I couldn't resist the urge to buy a few pink outfits for Sydney. (Yes, that is the name that we've picked out) Since then, the four outfits have turned into "one too many". Right now it's going into the summer season and there are the cutest dresses. She will be born in October, so I am buying everything for 6 or 9 months. It's just too much fun!

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