Thursday, June 10, 2010

22 Weeks, 5 days

So, it's official, you can tell I am pregnant. It's unmistakeably noticeable. Every time I walk by a mirror, I catch a glimpse of my ever growing belly and it makes me laugh. It's just so different from what I am used to. No more sucking it least for a few more months. Today I am wearing a dress that isn't flattering my newer figure at all and now that I think about it, I may even look like Barney a little bit! :) I have a big tummy in a purple dress. Mental note to self: Don't wear it to work anymore!!

Nothing exciting to report. This past week has been pretty uneventful, with the exception of me feeling her kick and move a lot more. When she kicks, it makes me giggle because I can just imagine her little hands and feet moving around. If she is anything like her Daddy, she will be a pretty good dancer. I put Bryan's hand on my belly the other day and he said he thinks he felt something, but I wish he could feel exactly what I feel. From the stories I hear from other mom's, Bryan will soon be able to see her in there moving around with her fists popping out and seeing my belly move. Weird to think about it.

I went to the doctor's yesterday and met with my favorite Dr. so far. He was very thorough with everything and didn't seem to be in a hurry like everyone else. He actually took his time and answered my silly questions. Her heartbeat was 148 and my belly measured right where it should be at 22 weeks. When he asked about my back surgery from two years ago, he was the second one to tell me that we should talk to an anesthesiologist ahead of time. What do they mean? Is there a chance that I won't be able to get an epidural? OMG, don't tell me this now. I am now going to worry about this for the next 18 weeks. Just add it to my list of things to worry about.

I just looked back at a few photos from a month ago and I can't believe how even my hair has changed. I think my hair is getting lighter believe it or not. It could just be me though. Today I am just having really bad hair day (it must run in the family because Tina is too) and the purple dress doesn't make me feel any BETTER about myself. I am going to start walking again. I have to. For the sake of the baby and I just want to make sure not to gain a lot of weight throughout this pregnancy. I am scared to death of even getting a stretch mark, let alone gaining any unnecessary weight. I've never been really comfortable with my body to begin with, so seeing my body changing without me having any control over it, is killing me. There isn't anything I can do about it, but what I can do is make sure to be exercising and eating better. Bryan said he is going to start working out again (I don't know where he will find the time because he is such a busy body these days), so I think it will encourage me to get moving a lot more. I have worked the last few Saturdays, so I have missed the prenatal yoga classes, but this Saturday, I am going to go no matter what.

Either on Saturday or Sunday, we are going to register at BabysRUs and Target. Bryan will be in charge of scanning the items, while I direct him on what we will actually need. It will be fun! I've always been jealous of the couples that are running around the store with the red gun at Target and now it will be my turn. YAY!

Only 15 more days and I will be able to see her again. I have another ultrasound scheduled on Friday, June 25th. From this point forward, they will be scanning me every 4-weeks. I can't say that I mind at all. :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kicks and Flutters

I've been unsure if I was really feeling the "flutters". Just this past week and more frequently in the morning and night, I know for sure that I am feeling them! Yesterday morning, I was waking up and had my hands on either side of my belly and I felt her kick! I wasn't expecting it and it happened two more times. It wasn't a hard kick as she isn't that big yet, but more like a tap under my belly button. Not sure what I was feeling earlier on, but I am delighted to say that I can feel her move now. This morning she was moving around and I felt a couple of kicks, especially after bending down to get something. She must be moving back into place. It's priceless and I can't wait for Bryan to feel it!

I've been looking for crib bedding for awhile and after flip-flopping between different styles (and with Tina's guidance), I went with a cute theme. It's not too girly or wild colors. It has calm colors and is cute without being over the top. I've decided to get a few things at a time, rather than going with one large theme and it be overpowering. With this comforter and bumper, I can get a plain colored dust ruffle and different colors of crib sheets.

Gender Ultrasound IT'S A GIRL!

I seem to be posting things backwards, but here is a picture of the confirming ultrasound picture. (I am getting another ultrasound on June 25th, just to make sure!)


Wow, so much has happened in the last two weeks! I was so busy at work that I didn't get a chance to write each week as I wanted to.

I will start with the sad news. My parents dog, Bailey, passed away. He was 11 years old. The day that my dad called me to tell me, I broke out into tears. First of all, you can't tell a pregnant woman, who considers her own dogs her children, that a dog very close to the family passed away. To top it off, to have her Dad crying when he tells her, is even worse. When he called, I immediately thought something must have happened to either my Mom or my sisters. When he said it was Bailey, it was just as bad. My parents had an appt. later that day to take him to the vet since he was having a hard time breathing and seemed to be restless, but he didn't make it. Bailey was one of those dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly. He was a gentle giant and all around good dog. He walked without a leash, loved his baths, never seemed to tear up his toys and slept with a Mickey Mouse blanket. I think after Bailey passed, my Dad realized how much that dog meant to him. He was there on the porch or looking out the storm door when my Dad came home or waiting patiently for my Mom came home for lunch to let him out. Bailey will surely be missed and more than he will ever know!

The exciting news is that our first nephew was born. Dave and Heather welcomed Connor on May 19th. Connor is definitely the highlight of all of our lives right now. He gets cuter with each passing day and I can only pray that our baby is just as good as him. Bryan and Dave's Mom flew in on this past Thursday to surprise Dave and Heather. Teti Nadine, Uncle Ed and cousin Mark, came to visit for the day, as well. We were all there to watch his first bath on Sunday. I don't think anyone could even guess how many pictures where taken during and after. It's been a fun filled weekend and Connor is loved more than he will ever know!

I was saving the best news for last. On May 21st, Bryan and I went to my 20-week anatomy scan, only to find out that we are expecting a little girl! I was laying there during the ultrasound with my body shaking with anticipation of finding out. When she said it was a little girl, I immediately thought "A Daddy's Little Girl". It is going to be fun for Bryan's side of the family to have a baby girl, since they just got a little boy and especially exciting for my side, since it's the first grandchild. I had to run to Target later that day and of course, I couldn't resist the urge to buy a few pink outfits for Sydney. (Yes, that is the name that we've picked out) Since then, the four outfits have turned into "one too many". Right now it's going into the summer season and there are the cutest dresses. She will be born in October, so I am buying everything for 6 or 9 months. It's just too much fun!

19 Week Baby Bump

From the day I found out I was pregnant, I was wanting my belly to show. Here I am at 19 weeks!

Monday, May 3, 2010

17 Weeks and Counting!

Well, I can officially say that I feel pregnant! I feel that this baby is becoming more of a reality for Bryan and I. Just this morning, Bryan kissed my belly and it meant the world to me. Only 18 more days until we find out if it's a girl or a boy.

This past week my pants started to become a little more snug and I think I feel the baby moving at night when we lay down in bed. I still can't pinpoint if that is what I am feeling or not. I wanted to layout in the sun this past weekend (yes, it was HOT in PA) and went to buy a tankini top. I have never felt more comfortable in a bathing suit! I went to JCPenny and literally tried on 15 tops. I still wear my bikini bottoms, but wanted to be tasteful and cover up my belly if I was walking around.

I feel that I seem to notice, even more so than before, every pregnant woman. I was standing at the customer service entrance at Target yesterday and I swear that 2 out of every 3 women were pregnant. It's like we belong to a secret sisterhood, but considering that everyone can tell we are pregnant, I guess it's not so much a secret. Even though I am not "really" showing yet, I feel like I am part of the sisterhood and I have a right to be looking at strollers and highchairs. Before, I felt silly as if someone was going to look at me and think, "she's not even pregnant". Now I feel entitled to be there! :)

Up to this point, I have only bought two unisex outfits, but yesterday, I went to Target to pick up the crib that my parents bought for us. I love it! As much as I am ready to set it up, I had Bryan check it for any scratches before storing it in the basement. I figured I would go ahead and get the changing table so I knew that it matched as well. I read in a magazine that it's recommended that we test it out with "something" that weighs less than 50 pounds before putting the baby in it. Needless to say after looking at both of the dogs, Tinker is the winner! She will love being in there, before the mattress of course. Here's a pic of the crib.

Speaking of the pups, their birthdays are this week!! Tinker turns 11 on her favorite holiday of the year (Cinco de Mayo) and Smokey turns 10 on Mother's Day. They don't do well with Frosty Paws or soft food anymore, so they will get a nice walk and a new toy. The two of them are going to do so good with a baby in the house. Smokey will be the one either laying in front of the crib, trying to push the door open when the baby is sleeping or standing there staring between the posts, making his crying sounds at the baby. Tinker will be the one to want to lay by the baby if he or she is on the floor, but definitely not share her toys with them. She's too small to be looking at the baby while he/she is in the crib or try to push the door open. :)

I walked into work today to find Michelle walking in with a gift bag in her hand. She said it was a gift for both Heather and I. I opened it to find two matching onesie's (see pic below) for the two newest Ranallo additions to wear in their first pics together. How adorable?!

All week I seemed to have something I wanted to write on here, but by the time Monday rolls around, I forget everything! I am planning on updating the blog once a week, unless there is something really exciting to post. For example, I am waiting on my first nephew to be born any day now, I am sure that will be a drop in update! :)