Monday, April 26, 2010

16 Weeks

Well, we've successfully made it to 16 weeks (4 months) pregnant! I can hardly believe it. Thanks to everyone who has kept us in their prayers.

All along I've had this feeling that we are having a little girl, but yesterday it hit me that we could be having a boy. So, I don't know anymore. Bryan keeps saying that "he" will be a better golfer than him. Who said girls can't become professional golfers? We will find out soon enough..only 25 more days. We already have our names picked out. I tried convincing Bryan to change a name here or there, but after I wrote them down on the dry erase board, I see that he erased the ones he didn't like and left the ones that we had come up with years ago.

Sydney Ryan Ranallo
Porter Bryan Ranallo
As far as I am feeling, I am feeling great. I am trying to do some kind of physical activity every other day. On Saturday, I was happy to see that I can still do a mile on the elliptical machine! Don't worry, I took a break after every quarter mile to rehydrate. Being physical again makes me feel good. Plus I have a new pair of tennis shoes that I love, so it's an excuse to wear them. :) I need to make sure that my blood pressure stays down and I know that working out helps. I meant (which I have for a few weeks now) to wake up and take a prenatal yoga class on Saturday's, but sleeping in seemed to be a better idea. I have a new pair of yoga pants and everything!! I am really going to try for this Saturday.
Yesterday, I couldn't resist the urge to buy a prenatal heart monitor. I knew that I probably wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat until two months from now, but I just wanted to see what it was all about. I am now addicted to the thing! I used it when I got home, after dinner, before I went to bed and this morning. I can hear the baby kicking when "he or she" moves around. Bryan said that he heard the baby talk to him, LOL! You need for it to be quiet in the room, but it's amazing to hear the whooshing sound and then a loud thud as if someone tapped on a microphone. It puts me at ease to hear that the baby is moving around, although I can't hear the heartbeat with it yet. Soon enough I will not need to hear for a kick, as I hope to be feeling it! It's fun that it's a way that Bryan can be involved. Bryan hasn't even heard the heartbeat or been to one of the ultrasounds yet! I can't wait to see the look on his face. It will be...PRICELESS!
This is one post of many to come. Everyday I tell myself that I should write this or that down and I never seem to get around to it. This way, I can also post pictures. Stay tuned!

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